вівторок, 12 лютого 2019 р.

Домашнє завдання

7 Form. Attention!
Homework for Wednesday, 13.02.19: read and translate ex.3, p.106; write ex.4, p.107 according to the ex.3, p.103; learn the rules how to use the Present Perfect Progressive Tense.
(Теперішній завершено-тривалий час)
Означає, що дія вже почала відбуватися і триває в момент мовлення.

Маркери: for уже, sinceз якого моменту (since morningзранку)

Форма речення.
Третя особа однини:

he, she, it has been V+ing
Перша, друга особа однини та всі особи множини:

I, we, you, they have been V+ing
He has been playing football since morning.
We have been playing football for two hours.
He has not been playing  football since morning.
We have not been playing  football for two hours.
Has he been playing football since morning?
Have we been playing football for  two hours?

Rules of writing

to give - giving      to run - running               to lie - lying           to play - playing

Types of questions
Третя особа однини:

he, she, it has been V+ing

Перша, друга особа однини та всі особи множини:

I, we, you, they have been V+ing
1.Загальне питання (G.Q.):
Has he been playing  football since morning?
Have we been playing  football for  two hours?
2.Альтернативне питання (A. Q.):
Has she been playing  football or tennis since morning?
Have we been playing football or tennis for two hours?
3.Спеціальне питання (S. Q.):
Who has been playing  football?
What has he been doing?
What game has he been playing ?
Who has been playing football for  two hours?
What have we been doing?
What game have we been playing for two hours? 
4.Розділове питання (D. Q.):
He has been playing  football since morning, hasn’t he?
We have been playing football for  two hours, haven’t we?

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