пʼятниця, 30 березня 2018 р.

GoCamp AfterSchool

We are Ukrainians that’s why we love our traditions and keep them with great honour. Ukrainian people are also well known for their hospitality.
Teachers and pupils of Bashtanka gymnasium organized “Ukrainian Vechornytsi” which was held on Thursday, the 29th of March. We showed a traditional gathering with music, songs, jokes and rituals for our volunteer Albert Ajose. Our guest and pupils entertained themselves by singing songs, telling jokes and playing old folk games. They also enjoyed eating dumplings and drinking uzvar. Our party was amasing.

вівторок, 27 березня 2018 р.


Усі учасники розважальної програми "Українські вечорниці" повинні терміново отримати костюми у середу, 28.03.18. Прохання для тих, хто має вишиті рушники вдома, принесіть їх на свято для прикрашення залу. Буду вдячна, якщо принесете глиняний посуд.

неділя, 25 березня 2018 р.


Усі учні
які беруть участь у підготовці свята "Українські вечорниці", у понеділок (26.03.18) на сьомому уроці проводять першу загальну репетицію.
 Явка обов'язкова!

Домашнє завдання

9 Form. Attention!
Homework for Tuesday, 27.03.18: review all words and texts about inventors and inventions; learn the rules how to change the Active Voice into the Passive Voice.

субота, 24 березня 2018 р.

Домашнє завдання

11 Form. Attention!
Homework for Monday, 26.03.18: be ready to talk about cinema according to these questions:

1. What do you think of when you hear the word “cinema”?
2. Would you like to work in the movie industry?
3. Why are films called movies?
4. Which movie would you like to live in?
5. What’s the best film you’ve ever seen?
6. Do you prefer watching films at the cinema or on TV?
7. Which country makes the best movies?
8. Who are your favourite movie stars and why?
9. What’s the worst movie you’ve ever seen?
10. Are movies good for us?
11. Do you think movies make people more violent?
12. What movie genre do you like best?
13. Which actor would you want to play you in a movie about you? Why?
14. Would you like a job as a movie critic?

Домашнє завдання

10 Form. Attention!
Homework for Monday, 26.03.18: be ready to talk about a man and his negative influence on the nature according to these questions:
1. What things do you think about when you hear the word “nature”?
2. How important is nature to you? Why?
3. How much nature is there where you live?
4. What is the most beautiful thing in nature? Why?
5. How does being in nature make you feel? Why?
6. Why do people live in cities, where there is almost no nature?
7. What does "the power of nature" mean? How powerful is nature?
8. What bad things are people doing to nature?
9. What would the trees say to humans if they could talk?
10. Where is the best place in your country to see or experience nature?

Участь у проекті "GoCamp AfterSchool"

In October 2017 Bashtanka gymnasium participated in the national project “GoCamp AfterSchool” organized by the international organization “GoGlobal” which promotes volunteers movement in Ukraine in order to achieve high level of teaching of foreign languages and form a new generation of Ukrainians.

пʼятниця, 23 березня 2018 р.

Домашнє завдання

8 Form. Attention!
Homework for Monday, 26.03.18: read and translate the text ex.1, p.162; be ready to talk about the importance of music in your life.

Домашнє завдання

6 Form. Attention!
Homework for Tuesday, 27.03.18: read and translate ex.4, p.124; write down different types of questions to the following sentences: 
1. This man had bought some souvenirs before he left London.
2. My granny had worked in the garden by 6 o'clock yesterday.
This film is worth watching for you!

Домашнє завдання

5 Form. Attention!
Homework for Tuesday, 27.03.18: read and translate the text about Ukraine, ex.2, p.129; write down new words from this text into your vocabularies and try to learn them.
This film is worth watching for you!

понеділок, 19 березня 2018 р.


Attention! Увага!
All pupils must prepare name badges for yourselves at the English lessons with the volunteer! Всі учні повинні підготувати імені бейджики для себе на уроки англійської мови з волонтером!

субота, 17 березня 2018 р.

Домашнє завдання

11 Form. Attention!
Homework for Monday, 19.03.18: 
Task 1 Complete the sentences using the correct form of the word in brackets:
1. A woman (wear) a blue hat opened the door.
2. Champagne, (produce) in France, is exported all over the world.
3. My sister works in a bakery (make) cakes.
4. A million dollars worth of jewellery (belong) to the President’s wife has been stolen.
5. Pictures (paint) by Picasso usually sell for millions of pounds.
6. A lorry (carry) fruit crashed on the motorway.
7. This is a vegetarian restaurant. None of the dishes (serve) here contain meat or fish.
8. The Harry Potter books, (write) by JK Rowling, have all been made into films.

Task 2 Write in the Present Perfect Participle:
1. (park) the car, we searched for the ticket machine.
2. (drink) one litre of water, she really needed to go to the toilet.
3. (leave) the party too early, we couldn’t see the fireworks anymore.
4. (finish) her phone call, she went back to work.
5. (lose) ten kilogrammes, Anne finally fit into her favourite dress again.

четвер, 15 березня 2018 р.

Домашнє завдання

11 Form. Attention!
Homework for Friday, 16.03.18: read and translate ex.2, p.173; do ex.4, p.174 using the Present Participle or the Perfect Participle form.

Домашнє завдання

10 Form. Attention!
Homework for Monday, 19.03.18: read and translate the text "Environmental protection"; report the police-officer's questions to the shop owner:
1. What’s your name?
2. Did you see the robbers?
3. What were they wearing?
4. How do you think they got in?
5. What did they take?
6. Has this ever happened before?

The protection of environment has become one of the most burning problems of our century.
Large cities with thousands of smoky industrial enterprises appear all over the world today. The by-products of their activity pollute the air we breathe, the water we drink, the soil we grow grain and vegetables. Every year the world industry pollutes the atmosphere with about 1000 million tons of dust and other harmful substances. Many cities suffer from smog. Vast forests are cut. Their disappearance upsets the oxygen balance. As a result some rare species of animals, birds, fish and plants disappear forever, a number of rivers and lakes dry up.

Домашнє завдання

9 Form.Attention!
Homework for Tuesday, 20.03.18: learn the words on p.120, 126; read and translate the text about Serhiy Korolyov p.128, ex.1; be ready to answer the questions according to this text.

вівторок, 13 березня 2018 р.

Домашнє завдання

8 Form. Attention!
Homework for Monday, 19.03.18: read and translate ex.1, p.155; change the following sentences from the Active Voice into the Passive Voice:
1. They will build a new bridge next year.
2. My mother will design her costume.
3. Someone found my wallet.
4. One of the students broke the window.
5. They will deliver my computer on Monday.
6. Mary invited Paul to her birthday party.

Домашнє завдання

6 Form. Attention!
Homework for Tuesday, 20.03.18: read and translate the text about London:
1. London is the capital of the UK.
2. London is also a political, educational, scientific and cultural centre of the country.
3. This city consists of four parts: the East End, the West End, the City and Westminster.
4. The financial and business centre is called the City.
5. The shopping and entertainment centre is the West End.
6. The government centre is Westminster.
7. The East End is the centre where working people live.
8. The population is more than 8 million people.
9. The Romans founded a settlement on the river Thames 2000 years ago.
10. They built a seaport and called it Londinium. In Celtic “londin” means “wild”.
11. London grew rapidly and developed into a world trading centre in the Medieval Ages.
12. Nowadays London is a fantastic city where ancient and modern live side by side.

Домашнє завдання

5 Form. Attention!
Homework for Tuesday, 20.03.18:
learn the words from ex.7, p.125; learn a monologue about the UK: ex.5, p.124; review greetings.

понеділок, 12 березня 2018 р.

Домашнє завдання

10 Form. Attention!
Homework for Thursday, 15.03.18: be ready to write a test that's why review the rules how to change the Direct Speech into the Reported Speech.

Домашнє завдання

9 Form. Attention!
Homework for Thursday, 15.03.18: read and translate ex.7(b), p.122; translate the following sentences using the Passive Voice:
1. Перший електронний комп'ютер був створений у 1941 році.
2. Його використовували для руйнування німецьких секретних радіоповідомлень.
3. Перший ресторан піци був відкритий у Італії.
4. Піцу виготовляють з різними начинками.
5. Перший мобільний телефон називався "Моторола".
6. Перші повітряні змії були виготовлені в 400 р. до н.е. 

Домашнє завдання

5 Form. Attention!
Homework for Wednesday, 14.03.18: write down the words from ex.7, p.125 into your vocabularies; read and translate ex.3, p.123; learn the rules how to use the Past Simple Tense.

Домашнє завдання

6 Form. Attention!
Homework for Wednesday, 14.03.18: learn the words: ex.1, p.120; read and translate ex.2, p.121; learn the rules how to use the Past Perfect Tense.

неділя, 11 березня 2018 р.

Домашнє завдання

8 Form. Attention!
Homework for Wednesday, 14.03.18: read and translate ex.7(a), p.153; change the following sentences from Active Voice into Passive Voice:
1. They showed us this museum.
2. She offered me a glass of water.
3. They promised her a wonderful trip.
4. He gave me this funny picture.
5. I drew a nice portrait.
6. My mother bought two tickets for a concert.

Домашнє завдання

10 Form. Attention!
Homework for Tuesday, 13.03.18: do ex.2, p.98: make conditional sentences using the following suggestions with the possible results; read and translate ex.4, p.103.

Домашнє завдання

11 Form. Attention!
Homework for Thursday, 15.03.18: read and translate ex.8, p.169; be ready to answer the questions on p.170, ex.10.

понеділок, 5 березня 2018 р.

Домашнє завдання

8 Form. Attention!
Homework for Wednesday, 07.03.18: learn the words about music; start to learn a monologue "Music in my life" (not less than 14 sentences); analyze the rules how to change the Active Voice into the Passive Voice.

Послідовність перетворення активного стану на пасивний
1. Визначити часову форму речення в активному стані.
Приклад: Leslie took this photograph yesterday. (The Past Simple Tense)
Леслі зняла цю фотографію вчора. (Минулий простий час).
2. Розібрати за членами речення.
3. Додаток активного стану поставить на місце підмета в реченні пасивного стану.
4. Присудок записати відповідно до поданої часової форми тільки в пасивному стані.
5. Підмет активного стану поставить на місце додатка в реченні пасивного стану.
Не забудьте використати прийменники by чи with!
6. Допишіть решту членів речення, зазвичай це обставини. 
 Leslie took this photograph yesterday.
This photograph was taken by Leslie yesterday.

неділя, 4 березня 2018 р.

Домашнє завдання

6 Form. Attention!
Homework for Tuesday, 06.03.18: learn the monologue "My favourite kind of travelling" (not less than 12 sentences).

Домашнє завдання

5 Form. Attention!
Homework for Tuesday, 06.03.18: read and translate ex.5, p.112; do ex.3, p.112 according to the example: 
Example to picture 1: 
Today is Monday. The weather is warm and cloudy. The temperature is eleven degrees above zero.

Домашнє завдання

10 Form. Attention!
Homework for Tuesday, 06.03.18: learn the words on p.92, ex.1; read and translate the text about natural disasters in Ukraine, ex.2, p.92.

Домашнє завдання

11 Form. Attention!
Homework for Friday, 09.03.18: learn the group of words using in Present Participle and Past Participle; do ex.3, p.165.

субота, 3 березня 2018 р.

Домашнє завдання

11 Form. Attention!
Homework for Monday, 05.03.18: 

Exercise 1. Participle I - Participle II (-ing or -ed) Choose the correct word.

Example: I was disappointing/disappointed with the film. I had expected it to be better.
1. Are you interesting/interested in football?
2. The football match was quite exciting/excited, I enjoyed it.
3. It’s sometimes embarrassing/embarrassed when you have to ask people for money.
4. Do you easily get embarrassing/embarrassed?
5. I had never expected to get the job. I was really amazing/amazed when I was offered it.
6. She has really learnt very fast. She has made astonishing/astonished progress.
7. It was a really terrifying/terrified experience. Afterwards everybody was very shocking/shocked.
8. I didn’t find the situation funny. I was not amusing/amused.
9. Why do you always look so boring/bored? Is your life really so boring/bored?
10. He’s one of the most boring/bored people I’ve ever met. He never stops talking
and he never says anything interesting/interested.

 Exercise 2. Participle I - Participle II (-ing or -ed) Complete the sentences using one of the words from each group:
interesting/interested, confusing/confused, exhausting/exhausted, annoying/annoyed, amusing/amused, disgusting/disgusted, boring/bored, exciting/excited, surprising/surprised

1. He works very hard. It’s not … that he’s always tired.
2. I’ve got nothing to do. I’m … .
3. The teacher’s explanation was … . Most of the students didn’t understand it.
4. The kitchen hadn’t been cleaned for ages. It was really … .
5. I seldom visit art galleries. I’m not particularly … in art.
6. There’s no need to get … just because I’m a few minutes late.
7. The lecture was … . I fell asleep.
8. I asked Emily if she wanted to come out with us but she wasn’t … .
9. I’ve been working very hard all day and now I’m … .
10. I’m starting a new job next week. I’m quite … about it.
11. Tom is very good at telling funny stories. He can be very … .
12. Liz is a very … person. She knows a lot, she’s travelled a lot and she’s done lots
of different things.

пʼятниця, 2 березня 2018 р.

Домашнє завдання

8 Form. Attention!
Homework for Monday, 05.03.18: learn the words about music; read and translate the text: 
Music is my life

Music plays a big role in my life. I listen to music every day. I think that there is no person in the world who doesn’t like listening to music. The only difference between music lovers is the style of music they listen to. The first likes pop, the second is fond of rock’n’roll, the third is keen on different types of club music...

Домашнє завдання

10 Form. Attention!
Homework for Monday, 05.03.18: review the rules how to use the Reported/Indirect Speech; change the following sentences into indirect speech:

1. The girl said, ‘It gives me great pleasure to be here this evening.’
2. The man said, ‘I must go as soon as possible.’
3. She said, ‘I don’t want to see any of you; go away.’
4. The teacher says, ‘If you work hard, you will pass.’
5. He said, ‘I have won.’
6. He said, ‘Let’s wait for her return.’
7. Alice said, ‘How clever I am!’
8. ‘Which way did she go?’ asked the young man.
9. He said to me, ‘Where are you going?’
10. ‘Please wait here till I return,’ she told him.

direct speech
“Carol, speak English.“
reported speech
He told Carol to speak English.
direct speech
“Why don’t you speak English?”
reported speech
He asked me why I didn’t speak English.
direct speech
“Do you speak English?”
reported speech
He asked me whether / if I spoke English.

Домашнє завдання

6 Form. Attention!
Homework for Saturday, 03.03.18: start to learn a monologue "My favourite kind of travelling" (not less than 12 sentences); write general questions in the Present Perfect:

1. you / answer / the question
2. Jenny / lock / the door
3. Walter / call / us
4. you / see / the picture
5. your parents / get / the letter
6. it / rain / a lot
7. how often / we / sing / the song
8. Maureen / watch / the film
9. how many books / Bob / read
10. ever / you / be / to London