неділя, 29 січня 2017 р.

Домашнє завдання

10 Form. Attention!
Домашнє завдання на середу, 01.02.17:
читати і перекладати впр.3, стор.72 (першу частину); вивчити монолог "Ukrainian cuisine" для вступу можна використати відповідні речення: 
  1. Ukrainian cuisine has a rich history and offers a wide variety of dishes.
  2. Ukrainian cuisine is rich in taste.
  3. Ukrainian cuisine has a lot of food recipes, which are characterized with high taste qualities.
  4. The modern national culinary art preserved and enriched the old good traditions.
  5. The Ukrainian food is characterized with large number of components.
  6. For example the traditional Ukrainian food – borsch – contains 20 components.
  7. Popular ingredients in the cuisine of Ukraine are meat, mushrooms, vegetables, berries, fruit and herbs.

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