неділя, 4 вересня 2016 р.

Домашнє завдання

9 form. Attention!
Домашнє завдання на середу, 07.09.16:
повторити правила вживання Past Simple Tense по табличці;
читати і перекладати текст "My summer holidays" .
(Минулий простий час) Означає, що дія відбулася в минулому. 
Маркери: yesterday-вчора, the day before yesterday-позавчора, last-минулий, ago-тому назад.

Форма речення.

Правильні дієслова

Неправильні дієслова

Subject V+ed
I studied at school.
Subject V II FORM
I went to school.
Subject did not (didn’t) V
I did not study at school.
Subject did not (didn’t) V
I did not go to school.
Did Subject V?
Did I study at school?
Yes, I did / No, I didn’t
Did Subject V?
Did I go to school?
Yes, I did / No, I didn’t

Rules of reading:

                   [t]                                  [d]                                           [id]

                   worked                          listened                                    skated
                   jumped                           played                                     visited

NOTES: to study + ed =  studied

Types of questions

Правильні дієслова

Неправильні дієслова

1.Загальне питання (G.Q.):
Did Subject V?
Did I study at school?
Did Subject V?
Did I go to school?
2.Альтернативне питання (A. Q.):
Did I study at school or at the gymnasia?
Did I go to school or to the gymnasia?
3. Спеціальне питання (S. Q.):
Who VED?
Who studied at school?
What did you do?

Where         did Subject V?
Who went to school?
What did you do?

Where          did Subject V?

4. Розділове питання
(D. Q.):
I studied at school, didn’t I?
I went to school, didn’t I?

My summer holidays
I spent my last summer holidays at home and in the Crimea. In June I didn’t go anywhere. First I thought it would be dull to stay at home. But the time during the holidays flies so quickly. Certainly, I didn’t get up early. In the evenings I could afford myself to watch TV as long as I wanted. I read some books which I dreamt to read but I didn’t have free time for this.

In July my parents and I decided to go to the Crimea for our summer holidays. My father likes the Crimean Mountains and my mother enjoys the climate there. We decided to have a package holiday so that we could stay at a comfortable hotel with good food and interesting excursions. What is good in such a holiday is that you have everything carefully planned for you. You do not have to think about when and where to go for an excursion, you already know when and where you can go. You do not have to worry about making breakfasts or dinners. You may lie in the sun and swim in the sea as much as you wish. On the other hand, you do not have much choice. Once you buy a package tour you have to follow the rules. You cannot change your route or schedule even if the weather is bad. This summer we visited Yalta, one of the most popular places in the Crimea. We saw many sights here such as the Swallow’s Nest, the Vorontsovs’kyi Palace and many others. I also enjoyed my swimming in the Black Sea.

In August I visited my relatives in Kyiv. We visited different museums and places of interest. I was deeply impressed by the Kyievo-Pechers’ka Lavra and the St. Sofia Cathedral. I spent much time in Khreshchatik, the main street in Kyiv. This summer holidays have been one of the finest holidays in my life. I think I’ll memorize them for ever.

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