четвер, 15 вересня 2016 р.

Домашнє завдання

 8 Form. Attention!
Домашнє завдання на вівторок, 20.09.16:
читати і перекладати лист на своїй сторінці блогу; вставити пропущені слова в лист і написати його в зошиті:
Write a word to fill the gaps and complete the email.
1_______________ Mr Cotton,
I am interested 2_______________ studying at your language school and I am writing 3_____ request further information about your courses.
Please could you tell me 4______ there are still places available on the summer courses? I 5____________ also like to know how much a three-week course 6______________. Finally, I would be 7_______________ if you could send me details of the accommodation that is available.
I look 8_______________ to 9_______________ from you.
Yours 10_______________,
Amit Khan

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