понеділок, 12 вересня 2016 р.

Домашнє завдання

7 Form. Attention!
Домашнє завдання на четвер, 15.09.16:
повторити правила вживання Present Simple Tense; розібрати речення за типами питань:
1.He was a famous writer in the 19th century.
2. I worked hard last week.
 Читати і перекладати текст:
The importance of learning English

1. English is very popular in the world now.
2. It can help us to learn more about English-speaking countries, their culture.

3. It helps to make new friends and learn a lot of interesting things.
4. You can read newspapers, magazines and books in the original.
5. You can watch and understand TV programs.
6. English helps people to work together.
7. It is the language of international communication and friendship.
8. English connects people from different countries.
9. English also helps to know the native language better.
10. More than one billion people can speak English.
11. It is an official language of the United Nations Organization.
12. It is the language of computers and science.
13. Many countries use English for air traffic control.

14. If you know English well, you can travel easily around the world.

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