Primary school

1. Календарно-тематичне планування до підручника А. М. Несвіт. 1-4 класи. (2015-2016 н. р.):
Календарно-тематичне планування 1-4 класи. Підручник А.М. Несвіт.

2. The ABC. Funny pictures:
The Alphabet.
The ABC. (mp4)

3.Flash cards:

4.Rules of reading. Presentations:
5.Vocabulary. Presentations:
Colours. (mp4)
House. Furniture. (mp4)
The weather.
The weather. Tenses.
Describe the weather.
Animals can, can't...

6.Grammar. Presentations:
This/That - These/Those. (mp4)
There is/There are. (mp4)
Degrees of comparisons. (mp4)
Prepositions of place. Part 1.
Prepositions of place. Part 2.
Structure there is, there are...

7.Фізкультхвилинка/Relax minutes:
Good morning. (mp4)
If you are happy and you know it... (mp4)

8.Funny songs:
What do you look like? Appearance. (mp4)
Days of the week. (mp4)
My working day. (mp4)
London Bridge is falling down. (mp4)

Solomon Grundy.
The life of Mrs Grundy.
Who doesn't like to do something?

10. Speaking practice "Gogo's Adventures with English":
Lesson 1. - Hello! What's your name?
Lesson 2. - What is this?
Lesson 3. What are they? Can you sing?

1 form. 
Presentations to the textbook by O.D. Karpiuk/
Презентації до підручника О.Д. Карп'юк:

3 form. 
Presentations to the textbook by O.D. Karpiuk/
Презентації до підручника О.Д. Карп'юк:

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