понеділок, 12 вересня 2016 р.

Домашнє завдання

8 Form. Attention!
Домашнє завдання на п'ятницю, 16.09.16:
читати і перекладати текст "My summer holidays"; перетворити речення з теперішнього часу в минулий:
1. They always clean the house on Friday afternoon.
2. He is sleeping on the sofa now.
3. Liz has washed her hair.
4. He usually helps her mother.
5.I have had a birthday party.
6. My mother is drinking tea now.
My summer holidays
Most people like to leave their places on holidays. Some prefer a quite rest in the countryside. Others go to the seaside and enjoy swimming and sunbathing on the golden beaches of the South. A lot of people are crazy about travelling and feel great visiting new places, getting more impressions and knowledge about them.

 As for me, I prefer going to the village on holidays. Almost every summer I visit my grandparents there. This summer was not an exception. In June I stayed in the village for about a month. There I enjoyed fresh air, pleasant views of the surrounding nature. I helped my grandma and grandpa about the house and in the garden.
 Besides my grandparents, I have some friends in the village. This summer we went fishing and camping together. It was fun to play ball on the grass! Also we liked lying in the sun and bathing in the river. In the evenings we went boating on the lake. We went to the forest and gathered raspberries. It was a real pleasure to stay out of town!
 In July I went to Odesa with my parents and a little sister. We were touring by car around the town, so we could see a lot of new places. I had a good time in Odesa!
 In August I stayed in the town reading books, playing football with my friends and preparing for school.
So, I spent my holidays very well and had a good rest!

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