понеділок, 5 вересня 2016 р.

Домашнє завдання

7 form. Attention!
Домашнє завдання на четвер, 08.09.16:
вивчити слова впр.1, стор.5; повторити вживання Past Simple Tense; читати і перекладати текст "My summer holidays":
1. Usually I spend my summer holidays with my relatives at home.
2. This year was quite different.
3. I spent my last summer holidays at the seaside.
4. Every day we swam in the sea, sunbathed on the beach, played sport games.
5. We also collected shells and felt quite far from our problems.
6. Every day we went to the local bar to drink coffee, juice and eat something tasty.
7. In the evening there was a disco party at the nearest sanatorium where we danced and had a lot of fun.
8. Sometimes we stayed to watch TV in the hotel.
9. Once a week we went on excursions on board the ship and visited the famous Crimean health resorts.
10. We went sightseeing in Yalta and Alupka and we enjoyed every minute of our staying in the Crimea.
11. We spent 12 days in the Crimea and didn’t want to leave.
12. We said goodbye to the sea, our new friends and left for Bashtanka.

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