пʼятниця, 10 травня 2019 р.

Домашнє завдання

5 Form. Attention!
Homework for Monday, 13.05.19: learn the words, ex.1, p.184; learn the rules how to use the Present Perfect Tense, p.213 (old books).

(Теперішній завершений час)
Означає, що дія щойно відбулася. Вона пов’язана з теперішнім часом і є результат виконання дії.

Маркери: alreadyвже, neverніколи, everколи-небудь, justщойно, not yetще не.

Форма речення.
Третя особа однини:

She, he, it has
V ed/III form
Перша, друга особи однини та всі особи множини:

I, we, you, they have
V ed/III form
He has played  football.
She has written the letter.
I have written the letter.
We have played  football.
He has not played  football.
She has not written the letter.
I have not written the letter.
We have not played  football.
Has he played  football?
Has she written the letter?
Have I written the letter?
Have we played  football?

Types of questions
Третя особа однини:
She, he, it has
V ed/III form
Перша, друга особи однини та всі особи множини:

I, we, you, they have
V ed/III form
1.Загальне питання (G.Q.):
Has she played  football?
Have we played  football?
2.Альтернативне питання (A. Q.):
Has she played  football or tennis?
Have we played  football or tennis?
3.Спеціальне питання (S. Q.):
Who has played  football?
What has she done?
What game has she played?
Who has played  football?
What have we done?
What game have we played? 
4.Розділове питання (D. Q.):
She has played football, hasn’t she?
We have played  football, haven’t we?

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