середа, 17 квітня 2019 р.

Домашнє завдання

9 Form. Attention!
Homework for Friday, 19.04.19: be ready to tell about the Political System of the UK according to the scheme.
Political system: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is a parliamentary monarchy. English Queen is the Head of the state. But her power is formal, it is limited by the Parliament. The Sovereign opens the Parliament and dissolves it. The Queen appoints The Prime Minister who is a real head of the state. The state system of the UK consists of three branches of power: the legislative power, the executive power, the judicial power.
The legislative power belongs to the Parliament. It consists of two chambers: the House of Lords and the House of Commons. The House of Commons consists of 630 members. They are elected by popular vote and represent counties. The Head of the House of Commons is the Speaker. The House of Lords consists of lords who are not elected because they have a hereditary right. The Head of the House of Lords is the Lord Chancellor. Elections are held every five years. The Parliament of the UK controls the actions of the government, determines taxation and makes the laws.
The executive power belongs to the Prime Minister and the government. The Prime Minister is the Head of the government who is appointed by the Queen. He chooses other ministers. Twenty ministers form the Cabinet. The government is chosen from the major party. It determines the country’s policy and rules the kingdom. Every member of the Parliament has a right to introduce a bill. Every bill has three readings at first in the House of Commons. After the third reading the bill goes before the House of Lords. If the Lords agree to the bill, it will be placed before the Queen for signature. The UK is a country without the written Constitution. The Englishmen live according to the bills.
The judicial power belongs to the Supreme Court which consists of 12 justices including the court president and the deputy president. Its members have a great power because they are the ones who decide what the law actually implies in any given case. The power of judges in the UK is even higher because Great Britain does not have a written constitution and therefore there is no supreme set of laws collected in one place to be available for the citizens. Due to this enormous power judiciary has a large amount of checks and balances.

dissolve [dɪ'zɔlv] – розпускати,
припиняти діяльність
appoint [ə'pɔɪnt] – призначати
branch [brɑ͟:nʧ] – гілка
the legislative power ['ledʒɪslətɪv 'paʊə] – законодавча влада
the executive power [ɪg'zekjutɪv 'paʊə] – виконавча влада
the judicial power [dʒu:'dɪʃ(ə)l 'paʊə] – судова влада
chamber ['ʧeɪmbə] – палата
vote [vəut] – голосування
county ['kauntɪ] – графство
hereditary [hɪ'redɪt(ə)rɪ] – спадковий
chancellor ['tʃɑ͟ːnslə] – канслер
determine [dɪ'təːmɪn] – встановлювати, визначати
taxation [tæk'seɪʃ(ə)n] – розмір податку
government ['gʌvənm(ə)nt] – уряд
major ['meɪdʒə] – головний
rule [ru:l] – правити, управляти
justice ['dʒestɪs] – суддя
imply [ɪm'plaɪ] – означати
judge [ʤʌʤ] – суддя
available [ə'veɪləb(ə)l] – придатний, корисний
enormous [ɪ'nɔ:məs] – велечезний
amount [ə'maunt] – кількість
checks and balances [ʧeks ənd 'bælənsɪz]– система стримувань і противаг

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