пʼятниця, 20 жовтня 2017 р.

Домашнє завдання

11 Form. Attention!
Домашнє завдання на понеділок, 23.10.17:
вивчити правила узгодження часових форм та слова, які змінюються при утворенні непрямої мови; перетворити речення з прямої мови в непряму, змінюючи окремі слова. 
Write these sentences in indirect speech, changing words where necessary:
1 “I’ll see you tomorrow”, she said.
2. “I saw her today”, he said.
3. “I don’t like this film”, she said.
4. She said, “We went swimming today.”
5. “I met her about three months ago”, he said.
6. “I’ll see Mary on Sunday”, she said.
7. “Pete and Sue are getting married tomorrow”, she said.
8. “Stephen’s bringing some records to the party tomorrow”, she said.
9. “I really like this furniture”, she said.
10. “My parents are arriving tomorrow”, she said.
11. “We visited her this morning” they said.
12. “We’ll see her next summer” they said.

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