четвер, 22 вересня 2016 р.

Домашнє завдання

7 Form. Attention!
Домашнє завдання на вівторок, 27.09.16:
читати і перекладати текст "My English lessons"; розібрати речення за типами питань: 1. The pupils remember this rule.
2. His mother teaches Geography at school. 
My English lessons
1. We study many subjects at school.
2. English is one of my favourite subjects.
3. We have our English lessons twice a week.
4. Our English class has all necessary technical equipments: a computer, tables with different rules, pictures, maps and large book-cases with many English books.
5. That makes our lessons more interesting and attractive.
6. At our lessons we learn to speak English.
7. We study pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar.
8. We learn many poems and songs, read texts, listen to spoken English.
9. We discuss different topics, ask and answer questions, make up stories and dialogues, do a lot of grammar exercises.
10. Sometimes we learn poems by heart and recite them at the lessons.
11. I am fond of English and it is not difficult for me to learn it.
12. I can cope with all the tasks without any effort.
Words:      equipment [ı'kwıpmənt] – обладнання
table [teıbl] – табличка
cope [kəup] – справлятися

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