середа, 9 березня 2016 р.

Домашнє завдання

6 form. Attention!
Домашнє завдання на четвер, 10.03.16:
вивчити монолог "My favourite kind of travelling"; вивчити правила утворення Past Perfect Tense у граматичному довіднику; читати і перекладати текст "Trafalgar Square":

Trafalgar Square is a geographical centre of London. It was laid out during the first part of the 19th century to commemorate the naval victory of Britain, in which Admiral Lord Nelson took part and was fatally wounded. There is the Nelson Column with the statue of Admiral Nelson on the top in Trafalgar Square. At the base of it you can see four bronze lions which are guarding the Column. In the north of Trafalgar Square there is the National Gallery which exhibits all schools of European painting from the 13th to the 19th century and includes works by Van Dyck, Rubens, El Greco, Goya, Leonardo da Vinci and Rembrandt. Not far from Trafalgar Square there is a quite little street with very ordinary houses. It is Downing Street and for the last 200 years at Number 10 each Prime Minister of Britain has been living there.

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