середа, 9 березня 2016 р.

Домашнє завдання

7 form. Attention!
Домашнє завдання на суботу, 12.03.16:
читати і перекладати діалог  “Sightseeing in London”; вивчити слова та словосполучення до діалогу:

frankly speaking – відверто кажучи;
I have no idea – гадки не маю;
Hyde Park –  Гайд парк;
picturesque – мальовничий;
in the open air – на свіжому повітрі;
harm – шкода;
royal – королівський;
immediately – негайно;
as far as I remember – наскільки я пам’ятаю;
go horse-riding – їздити верхи;
traffic jam – пробка на дорозі.

Dialogue 1 “Sightseeing in London”
Mike: So, what are you going to do today?

John: Frankly speaking, I have no idea. What would you advise?

Mike: Why not visit Hyde Park? It's one of the most picturesque places in London. Besides you both look slightly tired and a day in the open air will do you no harm.

Susan: Yes, you're quite right. I'm tired of shopping. Wait, I heard something of the place... Hyde Park... Please, remind me of it.

Mike: Oh, I see you're really too tired if you forget about the best-known park in London! Hyde Park together with Kensington Gardens and Regent's Park are still called Royal because many centuries ago the kings of England usually hunted there. Now these places are the most favourite ones for a lot of people. You can walk on the grass or even lie down there if it's warm enough.

John: Great! Let's go there immediately! As far as I remember visitors can also go horse-riding. I'm fond of riding! Don't you mind, Susan?

Susan: I don't. I want to go there too. How can we get there, Mike?

Mike: We'll drive there by car. It'll take us about half an hour, if we don't get into the traffic jam.

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