четвер, 10 березня 2016 р.

Домашнє завдання

6 form. Attention!
Домашнє завдання на п'ятницю, 11.03.16: читати і перекладати впр.4 (1), стр.124; читати і перекладати додаткові тексти:
The British museum was opened on January 15th 1759. It contains old manuscripts and works of art from Britain, ancient Egypt, Rome and Greece.
The Houses of Parliament is not an old building. It dates only from the 19th century. This building is in the Gothic style. When the Parliament has a sitting, a flag flies from the Victoria tower.
Westminster Abbey was founded in the 11th century. There are many tombs, monuments and statues here. For nearly one thousand years all the kings and queens of England (41 in all) have been crowned here and many of them are buried here too.

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