неділя, 13 березня 2016 р.

Домашнє завдання

6 form. Attention!
 Домашнє завдання на понеділок, 14.03.16:
читати і перекладати впр.4 (частина 2), стр.124; читати і перекладати текст про собор св. Павла:

St. Paul’s Cathedral
St. Paul’s Cathedral is a masterpiece of the famous architect Sir Christopher Wren. It took him 35 years to construct this beautiful building. St. Paul’s Cathedral was completed 12 years before his death.
When Wren was seriously ill and could not move himself, he asked his people to bring him out in a chair in front of his masterpiece once a year and the famous architect admired his own great artwork.
He died after catching a chill while travelling to his London home in February 1723 and was buried in St. Paul’s Cathedral on March, 5 under the south aisle of the choir at the east end. On Wren’s tomb you can read the following: «If you want to see my monument, look around». The architect considered St. Paul’s Cathedral his own monument, which he had created himself.
St. Paul’s Cathedral has got the huge dome with a golden bell and cross on the top. The name of the biggest bell is Big Paul, its weight is about 16 tons. The Cathedral is full of monuments. There is the Whispering Gallery, which runs round the dome. People say that if someone whispers close to the wall on one side, a person with his ear close to the wall on the other side can hear what is said. Many famous people are buried in the Cathedral: Nelson, Wellington and others. St. Paul’s Cathedral was destroyed in 1666, the year of the Great Fire of London. Then the architect rebuilt it. Now it is a beautiful building with many columns and towers, which attracts thousands of tourists from all over the world every year.

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