неділя, 9 жовтня 2016 р.

Домашнє завдання

11 Form. Attention!
Домашнє завдання на середу, 10.10.16:
вивчити правила утворення всіх типів умовного способу; читати і перекладати впр.2, стор.34; доповнити речення:
1) If Liam doesn’t shave (not/shave) off his beard, Sharon won’t go out with him.
2) Will you take me with you if you ___________ (go) to the beach?

3) If Kelly invites me to the party, I _______________________ (go).
4) The man will hurt himself if he _______________________ (jump) from that height.
5) If you clear up this mess now, I ______________________ (not/tell) Mum.
6) _____________________________ (you/look) after my dog if I go away on holiday?
7) If they __________________ (not/come) out of the sun, they will get burnt!
8) Rosie will get into trouble if she __________________________ (not/go) home soon.
9) If Peter ____________________ (not/like) the sweater, will Mrs Hardy give it to Tom?
10) He _____________________________ (stay) for lunch if she asks him.

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