четвер, 31 січня 2019 р.

Домашнє завдання

11 Form. Attention!
Homework for Friday, 01.02.19: learn the rules how to use the gerundial complexes; read and translate ex.3, p.125-127.

Домашнє завдання

6 Form. Attention!
Homework for Tuesday, 05.02.19: read and translate ex.2, p.89; learn the rules how to use the Future Progressive Tense; write down different types of questions to the following sentence:
She will be cooking dinner at 12 o'clock tomorrow.

Домашнє завдання

5 Form. Attention!
Homework for Friday, 01.02.19: learn the words ex.1, p.90; be ready to write a test with the words on p. 74, 78, 80, 85; read and translate ex.4, p.91.

середа, 30 січня 2019 р.

Домашнє завдання

10 Form. Attention!
Homework for Monday, 04.02.19: describe the Pinchuk Art Centre according to the plan of ex.7, p.60-61; put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense using the second conditional:
1. If Amanda (to listen) to the news, she (to know) about the accident. 
2. We (to have) a snack if we (to be) hungry.
3. If Peter (can) to play the guitar, he (to take) part in the concert. 
4. Our parents (not to be) so angry if you (not to return) home so late.
5. If Sam (to listen) to the teacher's explanation, he (to understand) this rule.
6. I (to come) to their wedding if I (to get) the invitation.

Types of Conditionals

Zero Conditional (always)
Present Simple
If you heat water,
When it is hot
Present Simple
it boils.
people wear lighter clothes.
First Conditional (present or future time) – real situations
Present Simple
If we finish early,
If we hurry,
Future Simple (will + Infinitive)
we will go to the cinema.
we won’t be late.
Present Simple
If you promise to be careful,
If you don’t feel well,
Modal verb + Infinitive
you can use my computer.
you must see a doctor.
Present Simple
If you are hungry,
If she is tired,
Imperative Mood / Наказовий спосіб
make a sandwich.
go to bed.
Present Continuous /Progressive
If they are coming for lunch,
Future Simple (will + Infinitive)
we will have to buy some more food.
Second Conditional (present or future time) – unreal situations
Past Simple
If I were a Prime Minister,
If I had time,
If I became an astronaut,
Conditional Simple (would + Infinitive)
I would make school holidays longer.
I would help you.
I would travel into space.
Past Simple
If I had wings,
If he had the book,
Modal verb + Infinitive
I could fly like Peter Pan.
he might lend it to me.
Third Conditional (past time) – unreal situations
Past Perfect (had + Past Participle)

If he had lent me the money,
Conditional Perfect (would + have + Past Participle)
I would have bought that car.
Past Perfect (had + Past Participle)
If she had had more time
Modal verb + have + Past Participle
she might have finished the exam.
Mixed Conditional (past action, present result)
Past Perfect (had + Past Participle)
If I hadn’t been so careless,
Conditional Simple (would + Infinitive)
I wouldn’t be in trouble now.
Past Perfect (had + Past Participle)
If he had gone to university
Modal verb + Infinitive
he might have a better job.

Домашнє завдання

9 Form. Attention!
Homework for Friday, 01.02.19: learn the words p. 135; write ex.9, p.136; prepare a presentation "Important inventions and discoveries of the 20th and 21st century".

Домашнє завдання

7 Form. Attention!
Homework for Friday, 01.02.19: read and translate ex.2, p.97; write ex.4, p.98.

Домашнє завдання

6 Form. Attention!
Homework for Thursday, 31.01.19: learn the words about sports and be ready to write a test; tell about your favourite sportsman.

вівторок, 29 січня 2019 р.

Домашнє завдання

11 Form. Attention!
Homework for Thursday, 31.01.19: translate the following sentences using the Gerund:
1. Він з нетерпінням жде візи, щоб поїхати до США.
2. Вона продовжувала приймати ті самі пігулки за порадою лікаря.
3. Ми намагаємося уникати ходити за покупками у вихідні.
4. Ми отримуємо задоволення, коли приходять наші друзі.
5. Вона перестала думати про покупку нових меблів.
6. Він боявся, що його покарають.

Домашнє завдання

7 Form. Attention!
Homework for Wednesday, 30.01.19: learn the words ex.1, p.90; be ready to answer the questions ex.5, p.93.

Домашнє завдання

6 Form. Attention!
Homework for Wednesday, 30.01.19: learn the monologue "My favourite kind of sports"; read the dialogue in your exercise-books.

My favourite kind of sports

1. Some people greatly enjoy summer sports.
2. It’s so wonderful to be in the harmony with the nature.
3. Others prefer winter sports.
4. As for me, my favourite kind of sports is football.
5. It is an outdoor team game that is played in the open air at the stadium between two teams of eleven players.
6. The main idea of the game is to score many goals.
7. I always watch football matches on TV.
8. My favourite football player is Andriy Shevchenko.
9. He plays for Dynamo Kyiv and the Ukrainian national team.
10. He has become the third Ukrainian to receive the Golden Ball.
11. Shevchenko has scored 67 goals.
12. He has also won various league and cup titles in Ukraine, Italy and England.
13. The more I watch his playing the more I like him.

Домашнє завдання

9 Form. Attention!
Homework for Wednesday, 30.01.19: read and translate ex.7(b), p.135; transform the following sentences using the Passive Voice:
1. What will you order for dessert?
2. He washes his car every Sunday.
3. When will they send the programme of the conference?
4. They gather a lot of berries every summer.
5. How often do they use this room for lectures?
6. What newspapers did they buy yesterday?

понеділок, 28 січня 2019 р.

Домашнє завдання

5 Form. Attention!
Homework for Thursday, 31.01.19: learn the words; read and translate ex.2, p.88; write down different types of questions to the following sentence: 
He collects old coins.

Домашнє завдання

10 Form. Attention!
 Homework for Wednesday, 30.01.18: read and translate ex.4, p.58 (three texts); write down the sentences using Conditional II.
I have free time. I go to the cinema with you. - If I had free time, I would go to the cinema with you.
1. She has enough money. She buys some new clothes.
2. He knows the law. He doesn't consult the lawyer.
3. You take an aspirin. You don't have a headache.
4. We have a country house. We go there for the weekend.
5. She knows English. She understands the words of this song.
6. I don't oversleep. I meet them at the station.

пʼятниця, 25 січня 2019 р.

Домашнє завдання

9 Form. Attention!
Homework for Tuesday, 29.01.19: read and translate ex.5, p.132; transform the following sentences from the Active Voice into the Passive:
1. People plant a lot of flowers every spring.
2. They will pay the bill in the hotel.
3. They discussed this project at the meeting yesterday.
4. The scientists have invented new sources of energy this year.
5. We will send the invitations for the party in two days.
6. A big dog frightened a girl in the park.

Домашнє завдання

7 Form. Attention!
Homework for Tuesday, 29.01.19: learn the words; read and translate the dialogue:
At the theatre
-Good evening. John!
- Good evening. Peter! This is a small world! How are you?
- Fine, thanks. How are you?
- Life is going its usual way. Thanks.
- Pleased to hear it. Incidentally, where do you have a seat?
- In the stalls, row C. And where is your seat?
- In the box, close to the stage.
- So you don't have to use opera glasses.
- That's right. What do you think of the play?
- The action develops slowly. Some scenes are dull. The cast is not very good. Do you share my opinion?
- Frankly speaking I do. That happens to be a rather poor performance. Have you been to this theatre before?
- Haven't had a chance, you know. I am here for the first time. I like the hall. It is beautifully decorated. The chairs are comfortable and the chandelier is wonderful. To put it in a nutshell everything here is magnificent but the performance.
- I advise you to see 'Othello' by Shakespeare at this theatre. You will be impressed.
- I have been dreaming of seeing any play by Shakespeare in this country. I'll do my best to see 'Othello'.
- I want to inform you that the best actors are engaged in the performance. The leading man is the famous actor. His name is well-known both in this country and abroad.
- I hope I'll enjoy the performance. The lights are going down.
- We must hurry to the hall. In a minute the curtain will be up.
- Be seeing you later.

Домашнє завдання

11 Form. Attention!
Homework for Tuesday, 29.01.19: read and translate ex.7, p.120; translate into English using the Gerund:
1. Перестань плакати.
2.Мій менший брат не давав мені робити уроки.
3. Ви не заперечуєте, якщо я прийду трохи пізніше?
4. Продовжуйте писати.
5. Тато заперечує проти того, щоб я йшов з нею в театр.
6. Я не можу не сміятися, коли дивлюся цей фільм.

Домашнє завдання

5 Form. Attention!

Homework for Monday, 28.01.19: learn the words ex.1, p.85; read and translate ex.2, p.86; write down different types of questions to the following sentence:

I watch cartoons every day.

четвер, 24 січня 2019 р.

Домашнє завдання

11 Form. Attention!
Homework for Friday, 25.01.19: translate the following sentences using the Gerund:
1. Я наполягаю на тому, щоб допомогти їй.
2. Він заперечував, що розбив вазу.
3. Вона боїться загубити свій гаманець.
4. Я не схвалюю того, що ви витрачаєте так багато часу даремно.
5. Вони думають про те, щоб поїхати на канікули в Італію, але вони ще не вирішили.
6. Вона звинувачує його в тому, що він надто рідко телефонує їй.

Домашнє завдання

6 Form. Attention!
Homework for Tuesday, 29.01.19: read and translate ex.7, p.86; learn a monologue "My favourite kind of sports".

Домашнє завдання

5 Form. Attention!
Homework for Friday, 25.01.19: learn the words; write down different types of questions to the following sentences:
1. She draws funny pictures.
2. They play in the yard in the evening.

Types of questions
Всі особи крім 3 ос. од.:
I, you, we, they
Третя особа однини:
He, she, it
1. Загальне питання (G.Q.):
Do Subject V?
Do you study at school?

Does Subject V?
Does he study at school?

2. Альтернативне питання (A. Q.):
Do you or does he study at school?
Does he or do you study at school?

3. Спеціальне питання (S. Q.):
Who VS (ES)?
Who studies at school?
What do you do?
Where    do Subject V?
Who VS (ES)?
Who studies at school?
What does he do?

Where      does Subject V?
4. Розділове питання
(D. Q.):

I study at school, don’t I?
He studies at school, doesn’t he?

середа, 23 січня 2019 р.

Домашнє завдання

6 Form. Attention!
Homework for Thursday, 24.01.19: learn the words and be ready to write a test; make up a dialogue ex.5, p.82.

Домашнє завдання

7 Form. Attention!
Homework for Friday, 25.01.19: read and translate ex.2, p.86; learn a monologue "My favourite film".

Домашнє завдання

9 Form. Attention!
Homework for Friday, 25.01.19: learn the rules how to use the Passive Voice; write down ex.3(a), p.130, ex.4, p.131.

Домашнє завдання

10 Form. Attention!
Homework for Monday, 28.01.19: prepare a topic "Shevchenko is a famous Ukrainian painter"; translate the following sentences using Conditional I:
1. Якщо ти купиш фрукти, я приготую пиріг.
2. Ми прийдемо до неї на вечірку, якщо вона нас запросить.
3. Він повісить картину, коли у нього буде час.
4. Якщо ти мені не допоможеш, я не приберу квартиру швидко.
5. Якщо ти будеш їсти брудними руками, у тебе болітиме живіт.
6. Я використаю словник, якщо не знатиму значення слів.
7. Що ти будеш робити ввечері, якщо у тебе буде вільний час?
8. Як він знайде потрібну інформацію, якщо у нього не буде Інтернету?
9. Куди вони підуть, якщо лекція закінчиться рано?
10. Що вона буде робити, якщо ти їй не зателефонуєш?

вівторок, 22 січня 2019 р.

Домашнє завдання

11 Form. Attention!
Homework for Thursday, 24.01.19: learn the word-combinations after which we must use the Gerund; translate into English using the Gerund:
1. Пробачте, що ми не прийшли вчасно.
2.Дякую тобі, що допоміг мені дістати квитки.
3. Мене дивує, що вона робить так багато помилок.
4. Я заперечую проти того, щоб це питання обговорювалося сьогодні.
5. Вона наполягала на тому, щоб я пішов до лікаря.
6. Успіх нашої роботи залежить від того, чи допомагатиме ви нам.

Домашнє завдання

6 Form. Attention!
Homework for Wednesday, 23.01.19: learn the words about sports; be ready to write a test; learn the rules how to use the Past Progressive Tense; write down different types of questions to the following sentence: 
I was playing basketball the whole day yesterday.


Минулий тривалий час:      Означає, що дія відбувалася в конкретний час або момент в минулому.

Маркери: at 2 oclock yesterdayо другій годині вчора, when he cameколи він прийшов (Past Simple – одноразова дія), while he was watching TVпоки він дивився телевізор (Past Progressive – тривала дія)

Форма речення.
Перша, третя особи однини:

I, she, he, it was
Друга особа однини та всі особи множини:

We, you, they were
I was playing  football.
She was playing  football.
We were playing  football.
I was not playing  football.
She was not playing  football.
We were not playing  football.
Was I playing  football?
Was she playing  football?
Were we playing  football?

Rules of writing

to give - giving     to run - running             to lie - lying                   to play - playing

Types of questions
Перша, третя особи однини:

I, she, he, it
was Ving
Друга особа однини та всі особи множини:

We, you, they
were Ving
1.Загальне питання (G.Q.):
Was she playing  football?
Were we playing  football?
2.Альтернативне питання (A. Q.):
Was she playing  football or tennis?
Were we playing  football or tennis?
3.Спеціальне питання (S. Q.):
Who was playing  football?
What was she doing?
What game was she playing?
Who was playing  football?
What were we doing?
What game were we playing? 
4.Розділове питання (D. Q.):
She was playing  football, wasn’t she?
We were playing  football, weren’t we?