пʼятниця, 28 вересня 2018 р.

Домашнє завдання

9 Form. Attention!
Homework for Wednesday, 03.10.18: learn a topic "About myself"; write ex.7, p.35.

Домашнє завдання

11 Form. Attention!
Homework for Tuesday, 02.10.18: read and translate ex.2, p.20; complete the following sentences using Conditional I:
1. If we _________ (not / work) harder, we _____________ (not pass) the exam.
2. If she ________(not go) to the meeting, I __________________ (not go) either.
3. If the teacher ______ (give) us lots of homework this weekend, I _____ (not be) happy.
4. If the children ________ (not eat) soon, they ___________ (be) grumpy.
5. If I ________(not go) to bed soon, I __________ (be) tired in the morning.
6. If John ___________ (drink) too much coffee, he ____________ (get) ill.
7. If she __________ (go) to the library, she ___________ (study) more.
8. If I ____________ (go) out tonight, I _______________ (go) to the cinema.
9. If you __________ (get) back late, I ________________ (be) angry.
10. If we __________(not / see) each other tomorrow, we ___ (see) each other next week.
11. If he ____________ (come), I __________________ (be) surprised.
12. If we _______________(wait) here, we _________________ (be) late.

Домашнє зхавдання

7 Form. Attention!
Homework for Tuesday, 02.10.18: prepare a little topic "My family" (not less 14 sentences) according to the ex.2, p.17.

Домашнє завдання

5 Form. Attention!
Homework for Monday, 01.10.18: виписати слова впр.1, стор.10 у словник; читати і перекладати впр.3, стор.11; утворити присвійний відмінок іменників з поданих словосполучень за зразком:

Common Case Загальний відмінок
Possessive Case Присвійний відмінок

The toys of the child
The child’s toys
The bike of Jim
Jim’s bike

The books of the girls
The girls books
The shoes of the women
The women’s shoes (архаїчна форма)
The leg of the dog

The eyes of the cats

The garden of Mrs. Brown

The father of Jean

The brother of Helen

The books of the boys

четвер, 27 вересня 2018 р.

Домашнє завдання

11 Form. Attention!
Homework for Friday, 28.09.18: read and translate ex.2, p. 20; review the rules how to use Conditional I, p.27; write ex.4, p.28.

Домашнє завдання

6 Form. Attention!
Homework for Tuesday, 02.10.18: prepare a topic about your family; learn the rules how to use the Future Simple Tense.
(Майбутній простий час)
Означає, що дія відбудеться

Маркери: tomorrow - завтра , the day after tomorrow – післязавтра , next – наступний.

Форма речення.
Допоміжне дієслово - will
I will play the guitar.
I will not (won’t) play the guitar.
Will I play the guitar?

Types of questions

Форма речення
1.Загальне питання (G.Q.):
Will I play the guitar?
2.Альтернативне питання (A. Q.):
Will I play the guitar or the piano?
3. Спеціальне питання (S. Q.):
Who will play the guitar?
What will I do?
What musical instrument will I play?
4. Розділове питання (D. Q.):
I will play the guitar, won’t I?

Деякі науковці вважають, що необхідно вживати два допоміжних  дієслова в цій часовій формі: shall і will. Дієслово shall вживається тільки в першій особах однини та множини ( I shall, we shall). Скорочені форми цих допоміжних дієслів: I shall not/I shant, we shall not/we shant.

Домашнє завдання

5 Form. Attention!
Homework for Friday, 28.09.18: повторити кольори, читати і перекладати впр.3, стор.9; читати правила на стор. 207 та 210 старого підручника.

середа, 26 вересня 2018 р.

Домашнє завдання

6 Form. Attention!
Homework for Thursday, 27.09.18: read and translate ex.2, p.10; write ex.6, p.11.

Домашнє завдання

7 Form. Attention!
Homework for Friday, 28.09.18: learn the rule on page 17; read and translate ex.2, p.17; write ex.4, p.17.

Домашнє завдання

9 Form. Attention!
Homework for Friday, 28.09.18: review all phrases with the Gerund; read and translate the text: 

About myself
1. Let me introduce myself. My name is Maxym.
2. I’m 15 years old. I’m a pupil of the 9th form.
3. I’m a tall, slim, dark-haired boy with blue eyes.
4.  I live in Bashtanka, a small town in the Southern part of Ukraine.
5. I have a lot of friends. We spend our free time together.
6. We play football, volleyball and tennis.
7. In summer we like swimming in the ponds.
8. Besides school, I go in for sports. I play tennis well.
9. Sometimes I take part in different tennis competitions.
10. I have many interests and hobbies.
11. I like computer games. I enjoy surfing the Net.
12. I try to communicate with people in different social nets and forums.
13. I’m fond of travelling. I dream to visit all countries in the world.
14. I am an energetic person and a good friend.
15. I am also responsible for my studying.
16. I am good at school subjects such as Maths and Biology.
17. I dislike lazy pupils.
18. I get on well with my classmates.

Домашнє завдання

10 Form. Attention!
Homework for Monday, 01.09.18: prepare a little monologue "My favourite way of relaxation"; transform the following sentences from Active into Passive: 
1. This boy writes poems.
2. The girl drove a red car.
3. They have collected enough money.
4. They will open a new restaurant.
5. The little boy can draw pictures.
6. They will not play soccer.
7. The police have caught two men.
8. They believe that he writes good songs.   

вівторок, 25 вересня 2018 р.

Домашнє завдання

11 Form. Attention!
 Homework for Thursday, 27.09.18: prepare a monologue "My attitude to the learning of a foreign language.

Домашнє завдання

6 Form. Attention!
Homework for Wednesday, 26.09.18: review the words on the topic "My family"; write down different types of questions to the following sentences: 
1. I learnt French at school.
2. They translate texts at the lessons.

Домашнє завдання

7 Form. Attention!
Homework for Wednesday, 26.09.18: review words on the topic "My family"; write down different types of questions to the following sentences:
1. He talked to the fairies.
2. They were all very busy.
3. He saw a lot of fairies.

Домашнє завдання

9 form. Attention!
Homework for Wednesday, 26.09.18: learn the rules how to use the Gerund and special phrases with the Gerund; write ex.4, p.14.

понеділок, 24 вересня 2018 р.

Домашнє завдання

10 Form. Attention!
Homework for Wednesday, 26.09.18: review the words from ex.5, p.6; write down different types of questions to the following sentence: Berries are gathered every autumn; translate the following sentences into English:
1. Телеграму буде відправлено завтра.
2. Їх запросив мій друг.
3. План обговорюється уже дві години.
4. Його зараз оглядає лікар.

Домашнє завдання

5 Form. Attention!
Homework for Thursday, 27.09.18: виписати слова впр.1, стор.4 (3-4 рядки) у словник; читати і перекладати впр.3, стор.7

четвер, 20 вересня 2018 р.

Домашнє завдання

5 Form. Attention!
Домашнє завдання на понеділок, 24.09.18: виписати слова впр.1, стор.4 (перші два рядки) у словник, читати і перекладати впр.3, стор.5; розібратися з правилами вживання вказівних займенників.


Однина: this це, thatто.                   Множина: these це, thoseто.

Форма речення.
This is a big cat.
That is a little dog.
These are big cats.
Those are little dogs.
This is not a big cat.
That is not a little dog.
These are not big cats.
Those are not little dogs.
Is this a big cat?
Is that a little dog?
Are these big cats?
Are those little dogs?

Типи питань:
1.Загальне питання (G.Q.):
Is this a big cat?

Is this a kind girl?

Are these big cats?
Are these kind girls?
Is that a little dog?
Are those little dogs?

2.Альтернативне питання (A. Q.):

Is this a big cat or a little cat?

Is this a kind girl or a kind boy?

Are these big cats or little cats?
Are these kind girls or kind boys?
Is that a little dog or a big dog?
Are those  little dogs or big dogs?

3. Спеціальне питання (S. Q.):

What is this?
What kind of cat is this?
Who is this?

What are these?

What kind of cats are these?

Who are these?

What is that?

What kind of dog is that?

What are those?

What kind of dogs are those?

4. Розділове питання (D. Q.):


This is a big cat, isn’t it?

These are big cats, aren’t they?

That is a little dog, isn’t it?

Those are little dogs, aren’t they?

This is a kind girl (boy), isn’t she? (he)

These are kind girls, aren’t they?

ДІЄСЛОВО to be – бути (є)