вівторок, 24 квітня 2018 р.

Домашнє завдання

5 Form. Attention!
Homework for Wednesday, 25.04.18: learn the prepositions of place and be ready to write a test; read and translate ex.2, p.152.

Домашнє завдання

6 Form. Attention!
Homework for Wednesday, 25.05.18: learn the Reflexive Pronouns, p.190; learn the words from ex.1, p.160; read and translate ex.3, p.161.

понеділок, 23 квітня 2018 р.

четвер, 19 квітня 2018 р.

середа, 18 квітня 2018 р.

Домашнє завдання

5 Form. Attention!
Homework for Friday, 20.04.18: learn the words and rules how to form the Present Progressive Tense; read and translate the text:
1. Mykolaiv is a city located in the south of Ukraine.
2. It is situated at the mouth of the Inhul River where it flows into the Southern Buh.
3. This city is 65 kilometers from the Black Sea.
4. Mykolaiv is an administrative center of the Mykolaiv region.
5. The population is about 488,000 people.
6. This city was named Mykolaiv in memory of St. Nicholas, the patron saint of sailors.
7. Mykolaiv is a highly-developed industrial city.
8. The main industries are machine building, metalworking, shipbuilding.
9. The transport is represented mainly by mini-buses, trolleybuses, trams.
10. Mykolaiv Zoo is the best zoo in Ukraine and one of the best in Europe.
12. The greatest success among visitors is enjoyed by large animals: lions, tigers, bears, hippos.
13 There are a lot of interesting places in this town.

Домашнє завдання

6 Form. Attention!
Homework for Friday, 20.04.18: learn the words from ex.1, p.130, the Ordinal Numerals and be ready to write a test; write ex.5, p.132.

Домашнє завдання

8 Form. Attention!
Homework for Monday, 23.04.18: review the rules how to form all tenses in the Active Voice; write ex.3-5, p.192.

понеділок, 16 квітня 2018 р.

Домашнє завдання

10 Form. Attention!
Homework for Tuesday 17.04.18: read and translate ex.5, p.119; learn the words on p.121.

Домашнє завдання

8 Form. Attention!
Homework for Wednesday, 18.04.18: read and translate ex.2, p.185; write ex.1, p.191.

Домашнє завдання

11 Form. Attention!
Homework for Friday, 20.04.18: to learn the words about theatre; read and translate the text:

My visit to the theatre

         I am a great theatergoer. And if I have free time I always go to the theatre to see a new play. There are only two professional theatres in our town: the Musical Drama Theatre and the Puppet Theatre. As I like to see modern and classical plays I go to the Musical Drama Theatre.

пʼятниця, 13 квітня 2018 р.

Домашнє завдання

5 Form. Attention!
Homework for Tuesday, 17.04.18: read and translate ex.3, p.143; write down the words into your vocabularies on p. 143.

Домашнє завдання

6 Form. Attention!
Homework for Tuesday, 17.04.18: read and translate ex.4, p.148; write down different types of questions to the following sentences:
1. She has visited a lot of sights in Kyiv.
2. Jane used a guidebook all the time.

Домашнє завдання

11 Form. Attention!
Homework for Monday, 16.04.18: write a film review to your favourite film using ex. 4, p.177 and the plan in your exercise-books; read and translate a film review:
I am not a great cinema-goer. I like to spend my free time watching films at home or through the Internet. Last week my teacher of English asked us to watch an American film “It’s a wonderful life” and write a review to this movie. Frankly speaking, I dislike black and white films but I must do the task. I watched this movie and liked it so much that it stands out in my memory quite vividly.

середа, 11 квітня 2018 р.

Домашнє завдання

8 Form. Attention!
Homework for Monday, 16.04.18: learn the words; read and translate ex.1, p.182.

Домашнє завдання

6 Form. Attention!
Homework for Friday, 13.04.18: read and translate ex.1, p.143; be ready to write cardinal numerals.

Домашнє завдання

5 Form. Attention!
Homework for Friday, 13.04.18: learn the prepositions of place in your vocabularies and the words, p.140; read and translate the text:
Bashtanka is my native town.
1. Bashtanka is a district town known since the 19th century.
2. It was founded in 1806 by the settlers from Poltava.
3. The town is situated not far from Mykolaiv.
4. It is an agricultural centre of the Southern Ukraine.
5. Bashtanka is famous for its history.
6. The population is more than 14000 people.
7. There are many modern buildings, churches, shops, kindergartens, two secondary schools, a gymnasium, the Palace of Culture, a museum and other official and public buildings.
8. There is a beautiful park in the centre of the town.
9. Grown-ups and children like to have a rest in the Children’s centre “Kazka”.
10. There is a monument to Shevchenko T. G. not far from the centre of the town.
11. The main street in the town is Bashtanka Republic Street.
12. Bashtanka is famous because of dairy products and fruits.
13. We are proud of our native town.

вівторок, 10 квітня 2018 р.

Домашнє завдання

10 Form. Attention!
Homework for Thursday, 12.04.18:
read and translate ex.4, p.110; learn the words on p.112.

Домашнє завдання

5 Form. Attention!
Homework for Wednesday, 11.04.18: write down the words from ex.1, p.140 into your vocabularies; learn the rules how to use the structure there is / there are.

Домашнє завдання

6 Form. Attention!
Homework for Wednesday, 11.04.18: read and translate ex.3, p.141; review the Cardinal Numerals, p.188 and be ready to write them.

Домашнє завдання

9 Form. Attention!
Homework for Thursday, 12.04.18: read and translate ex.5, p.132; review the rules how to use the Passive Voice; write ex.2, p.130.